Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013: Prepare for Battle!

A lot of us are thinking that life will just be practically the same until we grow old. It is not! Eventually, we will be in a battle.  The battle could be against some health or psychological problem or it could be battles against people. Many of us end up losing because we did not prepare enough. Today, my resolution is about being battle-ready....always.

As we grow older, we cannot take it easy anymore. We do not have the luxury of time. Even the young ones should learn to be "laging handa" or "always ready".  We have to be boy scouts sort of but more of scout rangers.  In our jobs, we have to always open our eyes to opportunities and be swift in exploiting it. In health, we always have to be wary against sickness and be watchful on the food that we take and the things that we do. In life, we have to prepare against enemies seen and unseen.  We even to constantly fight against complacency and the lack of discipline. In a way life is a war and we have to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually-fit to win. It is like the game of survivor, we have to always outwit, outplay, and outlast our opposition.

Beginning today, I will make a conscious effort of being always prepared for battle. ;)


If I were blank... Sabah Edition

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